The module dedicated to human resources covers all aspects related to the human resources management activity.

It allows the management of data related to personnel activity and follows the “life cycle” of employees within the company: recruitment, costs, training, performance, promotion.

Based on the information about the employees, contained in different databases, each employee can be assigned a certain type of salary and time from the range of salary and time policies defined for your company.

CLARUS HR PERSONNEL benefits from a powerful reporting module that can generate different lists, reports and statistics, ensuring the necessary support for managerial decision-making.


It allows the distinct establishment of departments, divisions of cost centers, policies for time attendance, payroll and the links between them, ensuring the possibility of their modification in the organizational structure.

CLARUS HR PERSONNEL manages all information related to the human resources department:

  • financial information (salary, bank account)
  • personal information (personnel sheets, history of employed persons, as well as of those liquidated)
  • informants regarding professional development (professional experience)
  • information about possible disciplinary violations
  • information about vacations, the situation of vacations throughout the year (the vacations can be calculated according to the seniority in the company or according to the total seniority at work, or the fixed number of days per year)
  • automatic calculation for length of service as well as within the company
  • information about medical leaves, (automatically calculates medical leaves, which are automatically transmitted in the salary module, to be included in the salary calculation)
  • information about maternity leave (automatic calculation of leave to raise and care for a child up to the age of 2, for the return of employees).

It allows the configuration of various certificates, additional documents, etc., specific to the HR department, which with a single click open ready filled with the employee’s data.

It allows the generation of various situations, statistics, lists of employees:

  • personnel employed or liquidated in the month
  • temporary contract expiration lists
  • various situations and statistics.

It allows the efficient management of a very large database of CVs, the registration of potential candidates, the selection of candidates according to well-established criteria.

It allows the creation of the organization chart of the company, the vacant positions as well as the occupied ones.